After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I was motivated to help alleviate the escalating humanitarian crisis. I contacted the Ukrainian organization in The Netherlands, also known as the Diaspora, to offer my support. I worked with the Rotterdam department and helped collect, sort, and distribute emergency supplies.
Read on In response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a group of like-minded individuals and I sought to aid in the humanitarian crisis. We recognized the public's eagerness to donate clothing, food, medicine, and other supplies, leading us to set up collection points in stores and restaurants.
I facilitated the transport of these supplies from collection points to the Ukrainian depot in Rotterdam. Through this effort, I met Igor, head of distribution at the Diaspora in Rotterdam. I became more involved, even personally transporting emergency supplies to depots in Poland.
Although I remain active in organizing occasional donations through partners, such as clothing stores, my involvement has been limited due to personal and educational obligations in the third quarter of 2022. I stayed in touch with Igor, however.