Operating Cost and CO2 Emission of Container Terminals.

This project investigates the impact of automation on container terminals' operating costs and CO2 emissions in light of the rise of Ultra Large Container Vessels. The research compares the effects of integrating automation on terminal container operations using primary and secondary sources. The study concludes that automating processes, such as interterminal container transport, can increase the ability to manage larger volumes of containers, lower the volatility of operating costs, and reduce CO2 emissions. However, barriers exist, such as union pressure and fear of overstaffing, which can be overcome through a step-by-step integration of automation.

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Methodology: '​The Effects of Integrating Automation on the Operating Cost and CO2 Emission of Container Terminals.'

For the purpose of this thesis, a methodology was defined to answer the research questions. However, prior to answering the research questions, a research strategy had to be determined. Based on insights gained from ‘Research Methods for Business Students’, the ‘Concurrent Triangulation Design strategy’ was chosen (Saunders, Lewis , & Thornhill, 2015). This method entails the combination of gathering qualitative and quantitative data in the same phase of research. The data gathered is then combined and compared to one another (Saunders, Lewis , & Thornhill, 2015). The reasoning behind the use of this method is that the method helps overcome the weakness of ones set of collected data with the strengths of another set of collected data. In the field of container terminals and automation, most data will be quantitative data collected through literature analysis. However the data will most likely have its shortcomings, as not all needed aspects will have been addressed in existing literature. This cannot be compensated with a survey due to the nature of this research. However, expert interview can be conducted to gather deeper qualitative insights about the required subjects. In addition, qualitative data will be collected through observations in the field. These observations will revolve around visiting the port of Rotterdam. Based on all of the above, the research strategy of Concurrent Triangulation Design has been chosen.
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